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Character Interview: Jack from KarmaKarma

As some of the readers know, we will sometimes feature some awesome authors on this blog. But today, we have a special treat. We actually have a character from the author's novel coming to speak with us.

We're going to meet Jack from Lorraine Cannell's newest YA release: "Karma." I can't wait for you guys to meet him.

Welcome, Jack! Tell us a little about yourself.

Jack: I’m Jack. I’m seventeen, and I live with my nan, mum, and younger brother, Danny. I’m doing my A-levels right now at college, and I hope to go onto Uni to study Law.

Impressive! I'm sure you have a lot of strengths if you're studying so hard and have enough ambition for Law. Got any other strengths or weaknesses?

Jack: My greatest strengths – I think I’m a good person, or at least, a good brother. My weaknesses? I’ve only got one. It’s for a girl with dark eyes, and ebony hair.

Ah, classic. That ebony hair will get you every time. OK, now for a hard one. Cat or dog person?

Jack: The closest thing our family has ever come to having a pet is a goldfish.

That would make that question a difficult one to answer, then. Since dogs and cats are obviously not your hobby, do you have any hobbies you do like to participate in, or any unusual traits?

Jack: I’m into street dancing. Doing stuff like trying to successfully land a backflip – it gives me a a buzz. I’m not there yet with it. I need to beat the fear.

That does sound scary. Let me know when you do land one! OK, now for an actually hard question (none of that cat and dog business), what do you want more than anything else and what's preventing you from getting it?

Jack: I want to move forward with my life, to put my past behind me, but the past has a way of holding on.

Too true. I wonder if Karma (your book's title) has anything to do with the past clinging on tightly. Best and worst movie in your opinion?

Jack: Best movie – I really enjoyed the Maze Runner Movies. I like anything with a bit of action, and a great storyline. Worst movie - The eternal sunshine of the spotless mind – OMG, I watched this with my Nan. It felt like the longest two hours of my life.

LOL. Great answers. Maze Runner movies are fantastic, for sure. Is there anything else you'd like the readers to know about you?

Jack: I thought I’d put my past behind me, that I was free from it. I was wrong.

Oooh, now I'm really intrigued. I can't wait to read your story to find out more.

Readers, if you're interested in finding out more about Jack and Karma, check out a brief summary below and click on the Amazon and Goodreads links:

Karma Blurb:

What would you do to escape the past? Seventeen-year-old Jack Ethan Dray has put his street-gang past firmly behind him, or so he thinks. When he gets a shout-out from an old gang member and his ex-girlfriend starts acting as if they’re getting back together again, Jack worries his past is coming back to haunt him. Then Bonita Chang asks for his help to find her twin brother. A brother that used to belong to a rival gang. Jack knows that his only chance of being with Bonita is if he helps her. But he’s no hero…until she starts acting like he is one.


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